Our oceans can’t stomach any more plastic. Sign the petition now to tell UK supermarkets to use less plastic. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in…
Acting now prevents the failure in the future. Stay connected to all centers that are currently working on fighting eco problems in the world.
Join our team and help us investigate the issues that cause global disasters. We want to focus on minor things that lead to larger problems.
We work with people who support our idea of nature conservation. American taxpayers are bearing the cost for weather disasters and crop failures.
Restoring livelihoods is also a long-term process that must address both the victims of military conflicts and problems of existing poverty.
Join our team and help us investigate the issues that cause global disasters. We want to focus on minor things that lead to larger problems.
Acting now prevents the failure in the future. Stay connected to all centers that are currently working on fighting war problems in the world.
Read more our priorities Current wars, poverty and injustice bring suffering to the children, depriving them of happy childhood. Countless issues that the children are experiencing are the biggest challenge for our organization and for everyone who isn’t indifferent. Ocean Protection Ocean Threats Sustainable Fishing Ocean Noise Why It Matters Civil Control Every person has a right to receive quality…
our priorities We are promoting the universal and equal application of human rights for all people, regardless of any status. Global Action Children’s Rights Women’s Rights Gender Equality Health and Education Political Issues Protecting Communities Why it Matters Our Fresh Water Around the world, climate change is destabilizing food production, displacing people in vulnerable countries. Our Security Around the…
Read Full Story our priorities Current wars, poverty and injustice bring suffering to the children, depriving them of happy childhood. Countless issues that the children are experiencing are the biggest challenge for our organization and for everyone who isn’t indifferent. Ocean Protection Ocean Threats Sustainable Fishing Ocean Noise Why It Matters Civil Control Every person has a right to receive…
Read Full Story our priorities Current wars, poverty and injustice bring suffering to the children, depriving them of happy childhood. Countless issues that the children are experiencing are the biggest challenge for our organization and for everyone who isn’t indifferent. Ocean Protection Ocean Threats Sustainable Fishing Ocean Noise Why It Matters Civil Control Every person has a right to receive…