Land & Culture
Partnering with BIPOC community members and organizations, we honor the relationship between people, the land, and culture. We do this through:
- Restoring culturally relative Native plants and foods
- Unangan/Unangas Cultural programming, including cultural song and dance instruction and Unangum Tunuu language instruction
- Activating Community Green Spaces
Revitalizing Landscapes
We are a mixed Indigenous-led (Unangan/Unangas) organization with 100% BIPOC Board and staff. We offer a variety of programs in Rainier Beach, Skyway, Tukwila, Pioneer Square and the Central District. We honor the relationship between people, the land, and culture. Through collaborative efforts we aim to offer culturally relevant restoration, conservation and food workshops, aimed at revitalizing landscapes impacted by gentrification and colonization. Over all, we reached nearly 200 people last year through community engagement.
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